Tuesday, September 19, 2006

An Introduction

So, I've been pondering this blog for a while. In the meantime, many things that make me go Hmmm have escaped unrecorded. I initially thought this would be a gigantic melting pot of topics personal and technical. In the end, I could see how difficult it would be to keep that mess untangled, and so I have decided to start on the technical side of things first. Why? Because wrestling an installation of Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 Beta 2TR to the ground has finally pushed me over the edge and I wanted to share what I found with others suffering the same fate (post soon to follow).

edgeDev is me in my technical playground, but hopefully it will also reflect who I am in other playgrounds. I will likely shamelessly link between my other future blogs and this one. But here I will cover things as they arise in my day-job-life as a web developer / SharePoint architect. I do not hate Microsoft, but topics revolving around their products will probably dominate this blog since they are one of the primary sources of things that make me go Hmmm...

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