I thought I'd go and customize the Document Information Panel for a Content Type - totally harmless right? Well, InfoPath didn't seem to think so. And when I tried to attach to the Content Type's schema as the basis for a new form (or when I tried to customize it straight from the link in the Content Type settings) i got this:
InfoPath cannot open the following form: C:\Users\[Name]\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.MSO\19D946AE.tmp\customXsn.xsn
The XML schema file specified in the form definition (.xsf) file for dataObject "list_fb2ad403-eb57-43f2-8bee-e7574092cd4d" cannot be used.
Lovely. How informative and useful. It's obvious from that error what exactly needs fixing. Ok, not really. At first I was at a total loss and decided to go home for the weekend. When I got back I realized that "list_" looked a lot like a list GUID. Since I was in a fairly new dev environment without too much clutter yet, I scanned through my lists and found a match on a list used as the source for 2 of the Look-Up Site Columns in the Content Type for which I was trying to customize the Doc Info Panel. Aha!
Removing both Site Columns from the Content Type and trying again, I was able to launch the schema for the form. Grrr... Hmmm...
So, was there anything weird about those columns? Well, they were look-up columns on a list with the multi-select and unlimited length in documents options checked. But what if I added them back to the content type and tried again?
Adding the first one back and trying again it worked! Alright. Adding the second one ... NOPE! Crash and burn. What gives? Well, this must obviously be another stupid Microsoft bug. Incidentally, both look-up columns are based on the same column of the same list. I have a "From" and a "To" column that point to the "Display Name" column a master Names List. But I won't be able to do both and still customize the Doc Info Panel. Bummer. Unless I can come up with some sort of work around (unlikely). But I'll update this if I do.
[a few hours later]
Alrighty then. The enemy can be tricked. If you HAVE to be able to do this (like I do) here's what you do:
- change one of the site Columns to point at a different look-up list column than the other one
- this will let you open the doc info panel successfully even with both site columns pointing at the same look-up list (albeit at 2 different columns within that list)
- in the field properties in infopath, open up the control populated from this look-up list column and change it back to the column you want to pull in
- in the Site Column change it back to point at the the right look-up column as well.